Smoking and What I Learned From ‘Prison Break’
None of the POGs smoke. I suspect this is because the Botox prevents them from parting their lips (I am quite serious).
I smoke. Partly because I like it, partly because it infuriates the POGs, but mostly because it is a viable substitute for eating. I don’t like exercise, being fat is not an option, and those who say cigarettes are ridiculously expensive, haven’t considered how much money is saved by not buying a gym membership.
I did try out a certain gym for a while, but Toni “Man-Hands” Marsh was always there, no matter the time of day, and she put me off. It was like being in prison. Man-Hands was Queen Bitch, and would eye up the new ‘fish’ with a steely eye, while robotically flexing the weight-bars to a techno beat.
Did I mention she was always there?
I learned from ‘Prison Break’ that one should always be ready for trouble, so I was tempted to fashion a shank out of my mascara wand, in case Man-Hands tried to corner me in the showers. Unfortunately, she never did.