Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I am sure my readers have been entralled by the adventures of my ageless apple. No? Oh well. Here is an update, anyway. Six months on, it has developed a brown spot on its bottom. I don't think it is long for this world.

How tragic.


llew said...

Does it worry you that it's starting to resemble an egg from the Alien movies?

llew said...

And was it always that sickly apple green colour?

Mrs Smith said...

Its deteriorated in the last few days. I touched it, and it's quite squishy and disgusting. Its beginning to scare me.

Ex-expat said...
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Ex-expat said...

It's just like that the experiment that some lady in some town that isn't Auckland about keeping a macdonalds burger for 20 years and the contents are still relatively intact.

llew said...

Have I already mentioned the strange way Big Macs retain heat for months when microwaved for a few minutes?

Anyway, I had a stable full of apples just like this until the weekend - when I discovered rats had found them too. Rat free, they can last for months & months. SO long as nothing, not even another apple touches them.

What's left are in a fridge now.